International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage Commission Interationale des Irrigation et du Drainage

(8013) Flood levee, Levee, Main Levee, Embankment, Stop bank, Dyke, Dike, Summer dike, Confinement dike, Ring dike, or Bund
1 - An artificial trapezoidal earthwork structure built along a river for the purpose of protecting adjacent land or human settlements from inundation by flood waters. The most ancient, most widespread method of flood protection. Flood levees are linear structures along a river which have the purpose of confining waters spilling from the mean-water channel and of preventing them from spreading in the floodplain. Levees are mostly designed in a general direction parallel to the mainstream. Levee construction also permits increase in the discharge capacity of the river channel and protection of the adjoining areas against floods. The flood levee consists of two main parts : the levee body and the foundation soils underlying the levee body (illustrated).

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